The Blue Moon

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Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Stressful Life in NUS

I have been feeling stressed due to school work ever since week 2, which is considered as abnormally early. Do I have mental problem? I hope not. Well, I guess uni life is really really different from poly life. Maybe I should list out the main differences for u all to compare:

  • Everyone is slacking. Most of them don't do their tutorial or do it in very last minute.
  • Everyone is always thinking about how to skip lessons, and always late for lessons while not feeling embarrassed.
  • Even lecturers are lazy, they always start their classes late.
  • Lessons are easy to understand, as long as u pay attention to the lecturer.
  • Lecture notes always go along with textbooks, and tutorial ans can easily be found in lecture notes, don't need to buy textbooks!!!
  • Everyone is so hardworking! They prepare all tutorial before hand, few days before the tutorial.
  • No one thinks about skipping lessons. Lecture hall is always full during lectures. Students who are late will say sorry to the tutor.
  • Lecturers are extremely punctual. They will always come 5 or 10 mins before lecture starts to get themselves and ppt slides prepared (OMG!)
  • Lessons are sometimes hard to understand, even though I am paying attention. Lecturers come in different nationality and slangs, hard to understand...hai.
  • Lecture notes state things which cannot be found in textbooks, and tutorials don't use textbooks as well. Really make me wonder if I can pass my exams. What lecturers teach is different from textbooks. Readings are redundant, they may note be mentioned after you have read (don't know buy textbooks and read readings for what hai)
The difference above really disturb me, which is why I am feeling prematured stress. Can anyone save me? I don't want to get bad results like what I got in sec sch again. Sobs......

| bluemooon posted at 8/30/2006 12:04:00 am |


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