The Blue Moon

Welcome to the world of bluemoon...this blog has become a place for me to "talk" to my dearest ones in my is like a message board to them...although I know that they will never read my blog again...

Location: Singapore

Well...i am juz a normal gal i supposed...emotional deep down...but others wun noe...haha...lyk 2 laugh wahahhaa...go read abt descriptions of a exactly describes me!

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Sunday, August 13, 2006

The Beautiful Crown

Recently, I am so obcessed with CROWNS accessories!! To an extent that everyone around me begins to notice it...haha...

On National Day, I just bought a crown necklace, which costs me $22!! This is the most expensive necklace that I have bought to date. Although I felt heartache for a while, I wore it almost immediately as I really like it. Its design is very special, which I could not find else where. The craze continues...Yesterday, I bought another crown necklace and crown bracelet again! OMG, I never went into such craze before. I spent $25 + again in total. I really think I should stop before I spend all my salary on crowns!! Haha...

Now I should report what I am holding on hand. In total, I have 4 crown necklaces, 3 crown rings and 2 crown bracelet in total. The strength may keep increasing...haha

| bluemooon posted at 8/13/2006 12:56:00 pm |


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