The Blue Moon

Welcome to the world of bluemoon...this blog has become a place for me to "talk" to my dearest ones in my is like a message board to them...although I know that they will never read my blog again...

Location: Singapore

Well...i am juz a normal gal i supposed...emotional deep down...but others wun noe...haha...lyk 2 laugh wahahhaa...go read abt descriptions of a exactly describes me!

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Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Why can't I join Chinese Dance?.......

As I mentioned in my previous blog, I have gone for NUS Chinese Dance Club audition 2 weeks ago. Finally they accept me! I was so happy to receive this news, at least my background gained so many years ago allowed me to survive me through the audition haha. I really really wanted to join, but sadly decided to give up the opportunity. This is due to their intensive practices, which are on wed and fri 7pm to 10pm!!!! How can I make it when I live so far away from sch. Fri is still not a problem, but I have lesson at 9am on every thur. If I really join, I would reach home at mid night on wed and wake up at 6plus the next morning! I think this will be hell for me.

Hai, I always have to give up what I really like. Now, I thought of turing to Jazz Dance, which is on every Sat morning. I am going to see how is it this coming Sat, so wish me luck that I don't have to give up on this as well haha

| bluemooon posted at 8/29/2006 11:49:00 pm |


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