The Blue Moon

Welcome to the world of bluemoon...this blog has become a place for me to "talk" to my dearest ones in my is like a message board to them...although I know that they will never read my blog again...

Location: Singapore

Well...i am juz a normal gal i supposed...emotional deep down...but others wun noe...haha...lyk 2 laugh wahahhaa...go read abt descriptions of a exactly describes me!

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Thursday, August 31, 2006


Nowadays I am feeling depressed, especially when having lessons, doing tutorials and printing notes. I was shocked to find that I can't even do all the questions in Econs tutorial, which was what I was best at last time. I was really shocked and sad until I cried in front of the tutorial, feeling helpless. I know the standards for poly and uni are definitely different, but I really can't accept the fact that I suddenly can't understand what the lecturers are talking, not even after reading the textbooks. I can't understand the text as well, and don't know how to do tutorials, which did not really happen in my poly life. I really can't accept! Sobs......

| bluemooon posted at 8/31/2006 12:46:00 am | 0 comments

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Stressful Life in NUS

I have been feeling stressed due to school work ever since week 2, which is considered as abnormally early. Do I have mental problem? I hope not. Well, I guess uni life is really really different from poly life. Maybe I should list out the main differences for u all to compare:

  • Everyone is slacking. Most of them don't do their tutorial or do it in very last minute.
  • Everyone is always thinking about how to skip lessons, and always late for lessons while not feeling embarrassed.
  • Even lecturers are lazy, they always start their classes late.
  • Lessons are easy to understand, as long as u pay attention to the lecturer.
  • Lecture notes always go along with textbooks, and tutorial ans can easily be found in lecture notes, don't need to buy textbooks!!!
  • Everyone is so hardworking! They prepare all tutorial before hand, few days before the tutorial.
  • No one thinks about skipping lessons. Lecture hall is always full during lectures. Students who are late will say sorry to the tutor.
  • Lecturers are extremely punctual. They will always come 5 or 10 mins before lecture starts to get themselves and ppt slides prepared (OMG!)
  • Lessons are sometimes hard to understand, even though I am paying attention. Lecturers come in different nationality and slangs, hard to understand...hai.
  • Lecture notes state things which cannot be found in textbooks, and tutorials don't use textbooks as well. Really make me wonder if I can pass my exams. What lecturers teach is different from textbooks. Readings are redundant, they may note be mentioned after you have read (don't know buy textbooks and read readings for what hai)
The difference above really disturb me, which is why I am feeling prematured stress. Can anyone save me? I don't want to get bad results like what I got in sec sch again. Sobs......

| bluemooon posted at 8/30/2006 12:04:00 am | 0 comments

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Why can't I join Chinese Dance?.......

As I mentioned in my previous blog, I have gone for NUS Chinese Dance Club audition 2 weeks ago. Finally they accept me! I was so happy to receive this news, at least my background gained so many years ago allowed me to survive me through the audition haha. I really really wanted to join, but sadly decided to give up the opportunity. This is due to their intensive practices, which are on wed and fri 7pm to 10pm!!!! How can I make it when I live so far away from sch. Fri is still not a problem, but I have lesson at 9am on every thur. If I really join, I would reach home at mid night on wed and wake up at 6plus the next morning! I think this will be hell for me.

Hai, I always have to give up what I really like. Now, I thought of turing to Jazz Dance, which is on every Sat morning. I am going to see how is it this coming Sat, so wish me luck that I don't have to give up on this as well haha

| bluemooon posted at 8/29/2006 11:49:00 pm | 0 comments

Friday, August 25, 2006

Love him...Miss him

Don't know y....i love him, him and him. And I miss Him, Him and Him too......

| bluemooon posted at 8/25/2006 11:07:00 pm | 0 comments

Love him...Miss him

Don't know y....i love him, him and him. And I miss Him, Him and Him too......

| bluemooon posted at 8/25/2006 11:07:00 pm | 0 comments

Friday, August 18, 2006

The Jewel in the Palace

Today I had a date with Lady Han from Jewel in the Palace at Jurong Point haha. I rushed down immediately after my tutorial, which ended at 12pm. The date started at 12pm as well. When I reached there, it was already 12.30pm, and she already started signing autograph for fans! I was quite late, couldn't get into the queue, but I am glad that I could see her in person! She is so much more beautiful than real person! I took lots of pictures as well, but the sizes are very big, so will upload it next time! haha...

| bluemooon posted at 8/18/2006 12:11:00 am | 0 comments

Thursday, August 17, 2006

The Chinese Dance Audition

Today I went for Chinese Dance audition in school today. There were so many people there, more than what I had expected. You may start wondering why I like Chinese Dance haha. My life was actually filled with dancing when I was young. My CCA in primary school in HK was dancing and I always signed up for dance courses during school holidays. I actually like dancing alot, particularly Chinese dance and folk dance, but have stopped for quite some time as I think I am too old too dance haha.

Well back to the audition. Alot of the participants have current dancing backgrounds! Most of them come well prepared, wearing dancing outfits and shoes. They can do most of the required movements too. Hai but for me, I never dance for more than 10 years! How to compete with others?! I was over confidence before the audition too, thinking that I will surely pass. But now, I think that the chance for me to get in is very very slim......

I really want to join dancing again, maybe because I really enjoyed the dancing moments when I was young......

| bluemooon posted at 8/17/2006 12:30:00 am | 0 comments

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

1st Day in University

Today is my first day in NUS. Wow study again after resting and slacking for half a yr haha. The lesson structure is almost the same as Poly, but peers are much more agressive! They are so vocal, which you would not see in Poly. I am not the quiet type, but I do feel threatened somehow. Worse still, lecturer would not care if you learn about that module before. He will just keep teaching and asking you for views, treating everyone as having all the basic knowledge. Wa luckily I have, phew. I hope I can survive, the road for me in uni is still very very long......

| bluemooon posted at 8/15/2006 12:13:00 am | 0 comments

Sunday, August 13, 2006

The Beautiful Crown

Recently, I am so obcessed with CROWNS accessories!! To an extent that everyone around me begins to notice it...haha...

On National Day, I just bought a crown necklace, which costs me $22!! This is the most expensive necklace that I have bought to date. Although I felt heartache for a while, I wore it almost immediately as I really like it. Its design is very special, which I could not find else where. The craze continues...Yesterday, I bought another crown necklace and crown bracelet again! OMG, I never went into such craze before. I spent $25 + again in total. I really think I should stop before I spend all my salary on crowns!! Haha...

Now I should report what I am holding on hand. In total, I have 4 crown necklaces, 3 crown rings and 2 crown bracelet in total. The strength may keep increasing...haha

| bluemooon posted at 8/13/2006 12:56:00 pm | 0 comments

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Can I Dream of You Again?......

Have u all ever wondered why one will dream of someone of the opposite sex sometimes? Do you know what is the meaning of dreaming someone of the opposite gender? Well, I have read from some horoscope book, which says that one may dream of someone of the opposite gender because she/he actually misses or even likes him/her. Then the next question comes: When u dream of that someone, do u think he/she is actually dreaming of u at the same time (which means both parties' dreams are linked)? However, I still can't find an answer for this......

Well, I do occasionally dream of him, but i don't really know y. Maybe I still miss and like him? Although I know I shouldn't do so, but I am in no position to control my own dreams. I admit that sometimes I do miss him, and very very deep down in my heart I still like him, but I know I shouldn't dream of him. I know he will think I shouldn't dream of him too. Yet, humans are like this. You know u are not allowed to do something, but you will want to do it even more as a result. That is y I want to dream of him again, and again. Maybe because it is almost impossible for me to have him in real life, that's y I would like to satisfy my desire by dreaming of him at night, where there's only me and him alone. I wonder if he dreams of me at the same time when I dream of him, or that he doesn't feel a thing at all. I really want to know the answer, but I know it will remain a mystery to me forever......

| bluemooon posted at 8/08/2006 04:51:00 pm | 0 comments

Monday, August 07, 2006

The 11th Anniversary

Today marks the 11th yr of my presence in Singapore! On 7th August 1995, when I was just 10 yrs old, I stepped into Singapore to start my life anew. I was unsure and worried, especially about the education system here. My english was not very fantastic. I could only communicate with others in Mandarin, which my new classmates could barely understand. However, I was indeed grateful that my classmates and teachers helped me alot, and I managed to pick up in the end :)

Alot of friends and relatives asked me if Singapore or HK is better. Hmm...I will always give my usualy answer, which is both have their pros and cons. Singapore indeed has a better education system than HK, which I appreciate. But life is really boring here compared to HK! I really miss shopping and eating in my hometown, not to mention that I always play arcade and eat good food with my mum after school!haha...despite this, I must say that Singapore is a much more secured place than HK (in terms of crime rate), which is also another plus point of Singapore.

Hmm...did I regret coming here? Well, I don't regret as it brought fate to me and my friends (especially my loved ones), so that we will be able to know each other! But I would like to try out working life in HK next time as well..haha!

| bluemooon posted at 8/07/2006 11:51:00 pm | 0 comments

Sunday, August 06, 2006

hi all...welcome to the world of Bluemooon! This is the 1st time i am writting blog (rily can't imagine i will write blog one day). Well actually i am a lazy person la so nv tht of writting blog at all all these while..maybe recently a lot of things happened ba...happy and sad...which i haf been keeping 2 decided 2 write it here...dun curse me if u see me nv update my blog 4 long time in future hor...i am juz a gal who is lazy 2 write haha :)...but do come occasionally 2 see wat i haf got 2 say k

| bluemooon posted at 8/06/2006 11:26:00 pm | 1 comments