The Blue Moon

Welcome to the world of bluemoon...this blog has become a place for me to "talk" to my dearest ones in my is like a message board to them...although I know that they will never read my blog again...

Location: Singapore

Well...i am juz a normal gal i supposed...emotional deep down...but others wun noe...haha...lyk 2 laugh wahahhaa...go read abt descriptions of a exactly describes me!

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Friday, October 27, 2006

It's just a day

Actually today is just quite a normal day for me. Lessons from 9am to 12pm as usual. Then my group and I went to some company to interview them as part of our project. It is quite easy for me as I used to lead my group in interviewing managers when I was in SP. I am happy that the interview soon ended and I feel even happier when I chose to take bus home straight from Yishun instead of going back to school again. I feel convenient, never feel this way for a long time. It's so much faster to go home from Yishun then to go home from school. However, I feel bad leaving my group alone to struggle on econs qns. But on another hand, I really think that I can't go back to school like the others considering the fact of where I live (Sorry peeps). Actually I am worried, because of my excuse of "living far", I have missed alot of things, be it about academic (like leaving early from discussions or something, or having fun (missed alot of Maayam activities last time, now want to go out in big group also no chance). Hai......

Why do guys get tired of something so easily? They hate to see the same girl for long time, hate to be close to you for long time, hate to love you for long time. I really don't understand why. Can you all think about this, GUYS?

| bluemooon posted at 10/27/2006 12:39:00 am | 0 comments

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Love is all around...that includes my love for u

能在远处遥望着你, 已令我感到心满意足. 今天令我深信, 缘分还是存在你我之间. 希望有一天我们还能如从前般相见......

| bluemooon posted at 10/24/2006 12:42:00 pm | 0 comments

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Love is around no more...

Love is all around you, but not me, because I am living without your love now.

我真的很想还你自由, 却发觉无法履行对自己的承诺.
在此刻, 我不得不承认, 我真的很爱你, 也非常后悔从前没有珍惜你.
我尝试忘记你, 却又办不到.
现在的我, 每天都不忘想念你.
但我知道, 你的心已飘离了我.
不知你何时会再爱我, 也不知何时才能与你相见.
我只知道, 现在的我, 只能默默地爱你......

| bluemooon posted at 10/19/2006 09:51:00 pm | 0 comments

Monday, October 16, 2006




| bluemooon posted at 10/16/2006 10:20:00 pm | 0 comments

Bad Health

Life is so miserable, not only because I have so much work to do, but also suffering from bad health. Thanks to the haze, I feel suffocated everyday, breathing in the burning smell. My sinus breaks out now and then, keep sneezing and my nose feel itchy. How I wish I can stay home everyday and don't need to go to school HAHA.

Besides the haze, my feet are giving me problems too, 1st was the left and now is the right. Did I walk too much on my way to school? Or is it due to my dancing? Hai I feel so paralyzed. Wish that I can be healthier, with your love haha.

| bluemooon posted at 10/16/2006 01:21:00 pm | 0 comments

Sunday, October 15, 2006


思念, 是一种煎熬.

孤寂的夜里, 颤抖着双手拨出你的电话号码, 还没听到你的声音, 眼泪已经滔滔地涌出来.

有时候, 我会思念自己那么想念一个人......

| bluemooon posted at 10/15/2006 11:38:00 pm | 0 comments

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

nice moments at alma marter

Today my best friend and I went back to SP for lunch. I felt so excited, not only because food in SP is much better than that in NUS biz canteen, but also because I really love SP.

I don't know why I love SP so much, to an extent that people may find it strange. It really gave me lots of fond memories, which I always look back on. It witnessed me growing up, and also my success and achievements in studies. When i went back today again, I really feel that it is a place without stress at all, peaceful and quiet. The atmosphere is friendly, where we can chit chat with lecturers everywhere. I was glad that the lecturers still remember me! haha...unlike uni lecturers, who always can't recall who I am and neglect my opinions and answers that I provide in class =(. I really had a great time talking to them today. I think I will go back again more often soon.

Everyday when I pass by Dover station on MRT, I will keep staring at SP, especially the biz block. I really miss my alma marter, and hope that uni lecturers will be more friendly to me. Maybe I am just a student who needs great attention from them. I am afraid that they don't know me and give me the wrong participation mark haha.

I miss you so much SP!

| bluemooon posted at 10/11/2006 07:51:00 pm | 0 comments

Monday, October 09, 2006

Missing you......

I am still waiting...
I miss you more and more...
and I really mean more and much more
where are you?...
I can't see you anywhere at anytime...
I never know that I like you so much...
until now...
that you are not around
I really miss the moments that we have spent together...
although they were short
I really miss you...
and hope to see you soon...

| bluemooon posted at 10/09/2006 12:53:00 pm | 0 comments

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Lonely Lonely

I am all alone, always get abaondoned by someone. No one ever cherishes my presence, no one cares whether I am alive or dead. No one remembers me, no one is thinking of me......

Everyone does the same to me. I really really don't know what's wrong with me. Is it what I did? or my personality that makes people dislike me? It is really unfair! I help them occassionally on school work and yet they do this to me. What is this????

Everyone around me starts leaving me one by one, unexpectedly. I miss them all, and yet they chose to leave my life. I miss the happy moments that we are together, really miss them very very much......

I hope all our happy moments will come back to me one day......

| bluemooon posted at 10/03/2006 01:12:00 pm | 0 comments

Monday, October 02, 2006

Feeling Fresh

I finally feel better today, feeling fresh in school on the first day after the break. Able to concentrate and understand better too. Hope this can continue......

I am looking forward to my beloved lantern festival this friday! Sound like a kid hor? choice I really like this festival since very young

| bluemooon posted at 10/02/2006 10:34:00 pm | 0 comments