The Blue Moon

Welcome to the world of bluemoon...this blog has become a place for me to "talk" to my dearest ones in my is like a message board to them...although I know that they will never read my blog again...

Location: Singapore

Well...i am juz a normal gal i supposed...emotional deep down...but others wun noe...haha...lyk 2 laugh wahahhaa...go read abt descriptions of a exactly describes me!

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Wednesday, October 11, 2006

nice moments at alma marter

Today my best friend and I went back to SP for lunch. I felt so excited, not only because food in SP is much better than that in NUS biz canteen, but also because I really love SP.

I don't know why I love SP so much, to an extent that people may find it strange. It really gave me lots of fond memories, which I always look back on. It witnessed me growing up, and also my success and achievements in studies. When i went back today again, I really feel that it is a place without stress at all, peaceful and quiet. The atmosphere is friendly, where we can chit chat with lecturers everywhere. I was glad that the lecturers still remember me! haha...unlike uni lecturers, who always can't recall who I am and neglect my opinions and answers that I provide in class =(. I really had a great time talking to them today. I think I will go back again more often soon.

Everyday when I pass by Dover station on MRT, I will keep staring at SP, especially the biz block. I really miss my alma marter, and hope that uni lecturers will be more friendly to me. Maybe I am just a student who needs great attention from them. I am afraid that they don't know me and give me the wrong participation mark haha.

I miss you so much SP!

| bluemooon posted at 10/11/2006 07:51:00 pm |


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