The Blue Moon

Welcome to the world of bluemoon...this blog has become a place for me to "talk" to my dearest ones in my is like a message board to them...although I know that they will never read my blog again...

Location: Singapore

Well...i am juz a normal gal i supposed...emotional deep down...but others wun noe...haha...lyk 2 laugh wahahhaa...go read abt descriptions of a exactly describes me!

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Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Lonely Lonely

I am all alone, always get abaondoned by someone. No one ever cherishes my presence, no one cares whether I am alive or dead. No one remembers me, no one is thinking of me......

Everyone does the same to me. I really really don't know what's wrong with me. Is it what I did? or my personality that makes people dislike me? It is really unfair! I help them occassionally on school work and yet they do this to me. What is this????

Everyone around me starts leaving me one by one, unexpectedly. I miss them all, and yet they chose to leave my life. I miss the happy moments that we are together, really miss them very very much......

I hope all our happy moments will come back to me one day......

| bluemooon posted at 10/03/2006 01:12:00 pm |


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