The Blue Moon

Welcome to the world of bluemoon...this blog has become a place for me to "talk" to my dearest ones in my is like a message board to them...although I know that they will never read my blog again...

Location: Singapore

Well...i am juz a normal gal i supposed...emotional deep down...but others wun noe...haha...lyk 2 laugh wahahhaa...go read abt descriptions of a exactly describes me!

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Saturday, November 18, 2006

What's my ambition?

I think he probably thinks that I am a person who don't know what I really want and have no ambitions at all. Well, actually I don't want to be like this. From young till now, I find that I always can't get what I wish for, or what I hope to be. This slowly stops me from thinking of what I want to do because I think it will not come true if I think about it. I begin to develop the habit of listening to god and let him lead me to where I am now. Actually, I don't want to be such an aimless person la......

My last ambition was to take the Banking & Finance Course in SP instead of Business Admin and choose the Finance option in year 2, so that I can be a stockbroker next time, or at least get some jobs that involves stocks and shares. I really want to know more about this, because it's such a common thing and alot of people are "playing" with it, and yet I don't know anything about it. My family gets involved alot as well, and it bothers me when I don't know what it is about. I wanted to be a banker as well, influenced by my dad since young. Too bad, my dream was shattered, as my parents think banking & finance job is not suitable for me. Before entering SP, I already put banking & finance as 1st choice on my application form, but was asked by my parents to change to BA. WEll, I just had to obey lor...and ended up as what I am now.

Nevertheless, I am happy that god has led me to an industry that I have never thought of entering before, the MICE industry. I enjoyed my jobs dealing with exhibitions, and I am thinking of going back to it after I graduate. So I still think that it's not all bad not to have any ambitions, I will know what to do and what I want one day......Do you think it's a good choice?hehe

| bluemooon posted at 11/18/2006 12:46:00 am | 0 comments

The end of semester one

Time flies, as everyone always describes. Today marks the end of Year 1 Semester 1 of my uni life. Soon it will be my exams! This week is really quite a memorable and touching one. Every lecturer bidded us good bye, and I realised that I miss them after having spent 13 weeks together because we wouldn't see them again probably (unless I fail the module la hahaha). The school even provided us a buffet breakfast during a tutorial for one of my modules! So sweet, looking at others in the class taking photos. It's so amazing. 13 weeks ago, we all didn't know one another. 13 weeks later, we laughed together as a class and became so close to the tutor.

Now, I have to study hard but feel worried for the coming exams. I used to be very confident in exams, and planned my study schedule well. I really really hope I can continue in this way......
Did he tell me before to be confident? Ya I think I have to show him that I will stay confident this time......

| bluemooon posted at 11/18/2006 12:18:00 am | 0 comments

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

love him...miss him...again and forever

It feels so good to see him again. Although time was short, I still feel very happy that we met again. I felt loved, when he poured me a cup of water unexpectedly. It was so sweet, that he gave me a kiss when my face showed him that I will miss him after today. But he told me, I will not miss him when I am busy. Well, it is quite true, but I think it applies more on guys haha. Since I am busy preparing for my exams now, I do admit that I miss him less. However, everyone knows my weak point, that is missing someone I love very easily. I can even start missing someone before saying bye to him. Some guys may find this irritating, but I am not sure about him, hope he is not =p......

Hope to see him again soon, although I think it's quite impossible, at least for the rest of this year. He will be busy soon, and I will be in H.K after my exams for quite a while. Despite this, I hope he will still love me, and of course, I will still love him too :)

| bluemooon posted at 11/15/2006 10:02:00 pm | 0 comments

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Exams are coming!

Time really flies...Semester 1 of my 1st year in uni is coming to an end! I still recall what happened during orientation, in Aug, Sep, Oct and now it is already Nov!! I really miss Aug and Sep especially, it was really still a honeymoon period of all students. But then again, I really quite regret for having been "slacking" these few months. Well, actually I am not a very lazy person in terms of study. Now come to think of it, I realised that I have slacked through these months because I have put in the same effort as what I did in poly, which I just know it's not enough for uni. Hai now I regretted. I hope I will I will manage my time better and be even more hardworking in the next sem! The consequences of being "lazy" are taking place now, worrying for exams and planning how to study for it, since I haven't been really reading all chapters for all modules...:(

I am feeling quite excited now. Finally can meet you again, after 2 months of "missing period". However, I have been thinking to myself these few days: We haven't met for so long, not even had a true heart-to-heart chat, will the feeling be different?Actually I am even thinking of whether I should meet you after all. I know I will miss you even more after meeting you, since you are working real soon, and I am not sure when we can meet again. On the other hand, I feel that I should grab hold of this chance to meet you, since I don't know when we are meeting again...Hai blame my weakness of missing someone easily, blame you for not missing me so much and often anymore :(....I hope it will all be fine, hope you will love me and miss me more......

| bluemooon posted at 11/12/2006 05:39:00 pm | 0 comments

Monday, November 06, 2006

Missing u Again

I know stories just wouldn't repeat themselves twice, especially good and romantic ones. But I miss you recently again.

| bluemooon posted at 11/06/2006 01:43:00 am | 0 comments

Friday, November 03, 2006

lala mind your own manners!

I am glad that the SS proj is finally over. I dislike tensions as well. All thanks to lala, the process of doing SS proj is horrible. This girl is an extremely typical Leo, don't like to listen to others and is always INSISTING that she is right. But she is worse than any typical Leo I have ever seen, always shouting, quarelling and arguing with people. When she opens her mouth and starts to quarel, everyone around will get stunned. Yet, I don't understand why she still can have so many friends. I am sure more and more people have seen her true colours, but no one seems to mind. I MIND LOR! Please la I think her parents really never teach her manners, always "barking" at everyone. Hope I wouldn't meet her in project groups again, I am sure she doesn't want to see me too :p

So the moral of the story is: never do project with any LEO people. This is not the first time I have experienced such things. All Leos are like this, but lala is worse. How can she say my english is bad, when she needs to attend English class herself while I don't? Crazy lala.

Stop gossiping about me k lala. Nothing is going to do between me and you from now on. And MIND YOUR OWN MANNERS LALA!

| bluemooon posted at 11/03/2006 01:03:00 am | 0 comments