The Blue Moon

Welcome to the world of bluemoon...this blog has become a place for me to "talk" to my dearest ones in my is like a message board to them...although I know that they will never read my blog again...

Location: Singapore

Well...i am juz a normal gal i supposed...emotional deep down...but others wun noe...haha...lyk 2 laugh wahahhaa...go read abt descriptions of a exactly describes me!

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Sunday, May 27, 2007

i really think i am not wrong at all...i already inform them that i may not be able to make it but they decided to go ahead with the plan the end when i really couldn't make it...some people became angry or even blame me...u call this a way to thank me or celebrating birthday for me? i am so disappointed with u all..especially u...u are my dear one and yet u hurt me the most...shouted at me over the msn...until i cried on the spot...i am not wrong ok...and i won't feel sorry for that...i just feel sad and disappointed that u all treat me that what the dinner is postponed?...this person is not coming that person is not coming...u all trying to take revenge on me? this really upsets me...if u don't love me anymore...please admit and let's remain as distant friends ok...i can't accept a dear one who has hurt me like that ...

| bluemooon posted at 5/27/2007 06:17:00 pm | 0 comments

did u use busy as an excuse of leaving me? i really think so...

| bluemooon posted at 5/27/2007 06:13:00 pm | 0 comments

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

i am all i wish i can call u for dinner at our usual hangout place now...lyk we used to be...but i tink u will ignore me now...for u don't care abt me anymore


| bluemooon posted at 5/23/2007 08:49:00 pm | 0 comments

u noe how sad i am now u stupid handsome? i rily wonder when u r toking to me...i noe u r not as busy now...maybe u don't love me anymore


| bluemooon posted at 5/23/2007 09:36:00 am | 0 comments

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

where are u? wat r u busy wif? we haven't tok for a long time...I miss u...but u birthday is i wish u can jus tok 2 me for at least this special day...i thought u will wish me happy birthday...but now i dun tink u will. remember your promise that u wil bring me to fisherman village as my birthday present? i hope it will be realised one day...


| bluemooon posted at 5/16/2007 03:56:00 pm | 0 comments

Friday, May 11, 2007

i am lonely at work now...suddenly thought of those days when we work together...i will never forget what happened and what u told me at the fax room...haha...u noe u rily scared me?!haha..drinking my hot milo now...suddenly tink of our kopi sessions last time...i miss those moments not because i like to laze's becos i can tok and joke with u haha..i tink of u when i hear the fax machine sound now too...u noe wat?i always walked pass ur desk purposely when i needed to go the fax room haha...hoping that u will wink or smile at me ;p..i tink of the eggs that u cooked for me...its rily delicious!!...i always wonder where u hide the eggs as i never see them b4 hahahaha...i miss the times when u protected and supported me when someone bullied me...miss those times when u stood up for i am working alone...thinking of u...

| bluemooon posted at 5/11/2007 05:14:00 pm | 0 comments

Thursday, May 10, 2007

I really don't know what u are busy with...I only know that u are always busy busy busy. Yet, u can always go out during weekends to make out...but don't have time to talk on weekdays. Anyway I will support u mentally behind your back, I miss you


| bluemooon posted at 5/10/2007 02:26:00 pm | 0 comments

My dark side has been a long time since I last touched my blog. I have been listen to this song since many years ago, but I never know that the lyrics will apply so much on me suddenly...

專一至今 竟會敢 避過你的吻
伏在你身 說找到 更喜愛的人
我也居然變心 不禁要承認我
當初的我 為了你 為瞞著好友
日夜怪你 愛不夠 還驚你風流
然後到我內疚 任旁人來認購
* 誰都會散 怎知一拍便會散
怪我自己作反 明明我不應再揀
忠貞怎可以貪 給拋棄亦已很慣
不慣去承認自私 移情別愛太奸
# 遲早要(都)散 散得清脆未算慘
我卻要忠變奸 斗膽一腳踏兩船
無面目再解釋 自廢了承諾是否太搗蛋
當初枉我未拍拖 曾這樣講過
外遇那些女主角 遲早惹出禍
誰料那個是我 又能如何恨我
Repeat *
@何苦再自命淒慘 你當我搗蛋
誓要去與他邂逅 仍然從不怕被人話濫
從未做過玩家 但我卻誠實認真去玩
真心相愛 未見得為了他英俊
換掉角色 也許你 你都會包容
我到今天至懂 為情而淪落了


| bluemooon posted at 5/10/2007 02:13:00 pm | 0 comments